Importance Of Blood Donation...


Blood - liquid of life. Blood has no substitute. It can't be manufactured artificially. The only source of blood is a healthy blood donor. Records says that in every two second one person across the world needs blood. The records also show that large number of people die without getting blood in emergency situations.

Donating blood doesn't harm you, in fact it helps you. Advantages of donating blood are,

Get a Health Check
A health check list is made every time someone donates blood, which means the donor will be able to find out if his blood pressure, pulse, and other vital signs are healthy or not. So regular blood donor can potentially get a physical examination up to six times a year.

Lower Iron Levels
Giving blood leads to lowering the iron levels in the donor's body, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. High blood iron levels have the potential to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease because iron accelerates the oxidation process of cholesterol in the body, which damages arteries. Iron levels aren't the only factor that plays a role in a person's risk of heart disease, but there are certainly no downsides to lowering blood iron levels by donating blood regularly.

Reduce Cancer Risk
Homogeneous blood donation is correlated with lower risks of cancers According to the Miller-Keystone Blood Center, including liver, lung, colon, stomach and throat cancers. Risk levels dropped is related to the frequency of blood donation.

Reduce Heart Attack Risk
Donating blood improves cardiovascular health. According to Florida Blood Services blood donors who donate regularly over years have an 88 percent lower risk of heart attacks and a 33 percent lower risk of any severe cardiovascular event, such as a stroke.

Replenish Blood
Blood donation will allow the replenishment of the donor's blood supply which will help his body to function more efficiently. After donating, the human body replaces the blood volume within 48 hours of donation, and all of the red blood cells lost during donation are completely replaced within four to eight weeks. This process of replenishment can help your body stay healthy and work more efficiently and productively.

Saturday 20 July 2013

                      'RED FRIEND', is a venture of ASAP Students of Sri. C. Achutha Menon Govt. College, Kuttanellur, who have Declared WAR on the Deficity of  Blood in our State. Thus the Soldiers of Asap decided to get on an blood collecting campaign inspired by Subhash Chandra Bose's famous slogan : "Give me Blood and i shall give you Freedom".  The ASAP Soldiers modified it to " GIVE ME BLOOD AND I SHALL GIVE YOU LIFE " !!

The Soldiers planned to get on the Battlefield ( Blood Donation camp ) with all their Ammunitions ( Reports , banners, brochures etc ) and win the War.

The ASAP Battalion includes,

Major Satish Nair

Captain Sreehari, Captain Shaharban, Captain Anna, Captain Rijo

Captain Sreehari & Lieutenant Diljith incharge of the Blog Unit
Lieutenant Keerthi & Lieutenant Akhil incharge of the Banners Unit
Lieutenant Hima & Lieutenant Hilma incharge of the Notices Unit
Lieutenant Anju & Lieutenant Anshita incharge of the Brouchures Unit
Captain Rijo & Lieutenant Anjo incharge of the Posters Unit

Captain Shaharban & Lieutenant Nayana incharge of the Presentation Unit
Captain Anna & Lieutenant Priyanka incharge of the Project Reports Unit
Lieutenant Anjali & Lieutenant Anukrishna incharge of the Income Statements Unit
Lieutenant Vineetha & Lieutenant Hima incharge of the Survey Unit
Lieutenant Varna & Lieutenant Ananya incharge of the Advertisements Unit

Lieutenant Kalavathy & Lieutenant Vidya incharge of the Speeches Unit
Lieutenant Krishna & Lieutenant Sruthy  incharge of the Permissions Unit
Lieutenant Neenu & Lieutenant Seema incharge of the Invitations Unit
Lieutenant Nitya & Lieutenant  Midhuna incharge of the FAQ's Unit
Lieutenant Jisha & Lieutenant Aji  incharge of the Programme Schedules Unit

1 comment:

  1. Spirit of young blOOd!!!, congratulations. Proud of u guys taking initiative in these kind of social welfare activities... :)
